sincerus division
Genuine, Integrity and Sincere
SINCERUS, which is a Latin word, has a beautiful meaning – Genuine, Integrity and Sincere. This also sums up how the people in the division treats each other and their clients. The teammates in the division believe if you are sincere towards clients, teammates and co-broke agents, they will surely feel it and will soon become your friends. If we only focus on the property, all relationships end when the transaction is completed. But if we focus on the people, it will be the friendship that is built to last for a lifetime.
Those in Sincerus Division will not just talk about real estate work, instead we have fun during our gatherings, sport outings, training, functions and events. We enjoy each other companionship. We set goals and motivate each other to work towards them, so that we go on stage to receive awards together! An indeed well bonded team that will make you feel that you are not lonely in your real estate journey.
No man should be left alone in an island. One chopstick is easily to be broken while a bundle of chopsticks are not! You share your listings and work hand-in-hand together with teammates in the marketing campaigns. The rest of teammates will reciprocate and share listings with you too! Together we maximize the exposure for the tagged listings, bringing in greater amount of enquiries in the hope to close the listings within the shortest timeframe possible. This tagging activities add juice and excitement to the mundane nature of real estate journey.
Training is part and parcel of realtors' life. Self improvement is important so that realtors are well equipped to better serve the needs of clients in this competitive environment. Training sessions in Sincerus division do not overlap with the training provided by Navis Living Group or Company. We learn from the experienced leaders in Sincerus Division about Signing Exclusive, Right Methods in Serving Buyers & Sellers, Financial Calculations, Timeline Planning, Techniques in Getting Leads, Fengshui, Digital Marketing, House Showing Methods etc.